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Spotlight | Energy, Geopolitics, and Algorithmic Warfare: The Power of Information


Information – used strategically – is a tool for empowerment. Can companies link each piece of equipment to their supplies chains to mitigate vulnerabilities? Can real time data on emission sources create the power to abate them? In the defense field, how much smarter can satellites and drones make tactical operations? Can algorithms begin to neutralize howitzers or asymmetric force levels? Can mapping of social media multiply the power of intelligence to counter terrorism? Will insight and preparedness reshape geopolitical power? Join Palantir CEO Alex Karp, with Bob Dudley (Chairman of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative), to understand how the power of information is today reshaping commerce, security and geopolitics. SPEAKERS: Bob Dudley, Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) Alex Karp, Palantir CHAIR: Carlos Pascual, S&P Global Commodity Insights

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